专注一点进行撰写,比如性能,或如何使用等。例如,现在想象你需要给汤匙写产品描述,你可以这样描述汤匙很大很深,比如:“This soup spoon has a large bowl”,但记住,只需要一笔带过就可以了。
写产品描述时要专注一点,再从这一点延伸到产品的好处。之前描述汤匙很大很深,那好处也要联系到这一点上,也就是与小汤匙相比,大的汤匙在喝汤的时候不需要舀很多次,如:“This soup spoon has a large bowl, so you get more soup with each bite”。
第三步是添加单词、短语或是标志让产品描述更加清晰。刚刚的汤匙描述其实有点模糊,不清楚为什么说汤匙的bowl很大?怎么个大法?接着就是添加一些语句让产品描述相对清晰了:“This soup spoon has a large bowl. In fact, this soup spoon can hold about three times as much soup as your standard table spoon. So you get more soup with each bite”。
汤匙盛汤的那部分称为bowl,但好多消费者并不知道bowl是什么意思,所以你就要在描述中解释一下:“This soup spoon has a large bowl meant to hold and carry soup to your mouth. In fact, this soup spoon can hold about three times as much soup as your standard table spoon. So you get more soup with each bite”。
刚刚的汤匙描述中仅有42个词,但“soup”这个词就出现了5次,其实这样很不好,因为我们描述的是汤匙又不是汤,但是如果只改变下单词的话,重复词就没那么多了。一种替代“soup”的方法就是具体到什么汤,比如用“bisques and broths”代替。
你可以这样写:“This soup spoon has a large bowl meant to hold and carry bisques and broths to your mouth. In fact, this soup spoon can hold about three times as much soup as your standard table spoon. So you get more soup with each bite”。
用单词变体也可以减少单词重复,比如用“soupy”替代“soup”,比如:“This soup spoon has a large bowl meant to hold and carry bisques and broths to your mouth. In fact, this soup spoon can hold about three times as much soupy goodness as your standard table spoon. So you get more soup with each bite。”
接着你可能需要加上动词,汤匙描述已经很好了,但是还是需要将“hold and carry”换成“haul”,其实这也是为了减少重复词。于是汤匙描述就成了:“This soup spoon has a large bowl meant to haul bisques and broths to your mouth. In fact, this soup spoon can hold about three times as much soupy goodness as your standard table spoon. So you get more soup with each bite”。
像Google Docs或Hemingway这样的应用程序能帮忙检查拼写和语法。如果产品描述通过了拼写和语法检查,那你就再读一两遍,然后再发布出来。
最后成形就是:“This soup spoon has a large bowl meant to haul bisques and broths to your mouth. In fact, this soup spoon can hold about three times as much soupy goodness as your standard table spoon. So you get more soup with each bite”。
你可能有了一个可行的产品描述,但你仍然需要再润色一下。以汤匙描述为例,你可以尝试添加句子,定基调,添加能引起消费者联想的句子,比如汤匙描述可以改成这样:“Hungry for some hearty chicken noodle or creamy clam chowder? This soup spoon has a large bowl meant to haul bisques and broths to your mouth. In fact, this soup spoon can hold about three times as much soupy goodness as your standard table spoon. So you get more soup with each bite”。
卖家可以试着在产品描述中添加呼吁消费者购买的语句,以汤匙为例,可以将“you get more soup with each bite”这句改称呼吁消费者购买的句子,如:“Hungry for some hearty chicken noodle or creamy clam chowder? This soup spoon has a large bowl meant to haul bisques and broths to your mouth. In fact, this soup spoon can hold about three times as much soupy goodness as your standard table spoon. You could take three times as many bites, or you could buy this soup spoon and slurp large”。(编译/雨果网 方小玲)
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